Station: | ORANGE 94.0 |
Series: | der wiener salon on air |
Title: | 7. mai 2005: kulinarik und kunst |
Alternative title: | zu gast im studio: hans staud |
Language: | German |
Abstract: | hans staud, der österreicher des jahres 2005, kult marmelade kocher und einleger zu wien, zu gast in der wiener salon on air. wir plauderten über süsses, saures, verantwortungsvolles unternehmertum und wie er kunst und kulinarik miteinander verbindet. |
http://www.stauds.at/ |
playlist: |
mendelson-bartholdy | overtüre op. 21 | seiji ozawa & kathlee battle ||
elton john | nr. 1 | your song ||
udo jürgens | darum stehe ich zu dir ||
georg gershwin | porgy & bess | you is my woman now ||
modest musorsky | ballet de petits poussin dans leur coque ||
hösli & ricardo | alles liebe | alles liebe |
Keywords: | hans staud ethik im geschäftsleben marmeladen markt eingelegtes kunst kultur |
Genre: | Talk show / discussion |
Topics: |
Arts, Medias, Entertainment and Leisure / Advertising and Public Relations
Human Practices and Social Issues
Human Practices and Social Issues / Community Issues (Housing, Transportation, Area planning, Urban communities, Rural communities)
Temporal coverage: | 2005-05-07 |
Production date: | 2005-05-07 |
Broadcast date: | 2005-05-07 14:00:00+02 |
Entry date: | 2007-04-02 |
Last modification: | 2007-04-03 |
Data presented here was last updated at: 2010-04-24 02:54:50+02
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Rating (count) |
Node network |
1667 (621) |
426 (78) |
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