Station: | Freies Radio Salzkammergut |
Series: | Funkfeuer |
Title: | Wireless Community Weekend Graz 07 - Armin Medosch: 45RPM |
Language: | German |
Abstract: | Vortrag in Deutscher Sprache ::::45 RPM/ Revolutions per Minute:::: In the 1930ies Bert Brecht and Walter Benjamin tried to formulate a participatory and anti-fascist media theory. Benjamin demanded that every author should also be a producer of new formats and techniques which would enable people to find their own voice and express themselves. And Brecht thought that "through continuous, never ending proprosals how to better use the apparatuses in the interest of the general public" the left could shake up and destroy the social basis of those apparatuses, and "discredit their use in the interest of the few." 70 years later the participatory media paradigm that Brecht and Benjamin envisioned seems to become possible. Dissident politicized media activists and free software developers not only own the means of production, they/us/we actually produce them. Can we change the relationship of the means of production by producing participatory and emancipatory technologies? Can capitalism be unspun from within? Or will this movement be another victim of capitalism's capacity to absorb progressive and critical movements and divert their power, a tendency we can already see with Web 2.0. A lecture supported by audio interviews with discussion afterwards. 45 RPM is an interim result of The Next Layer research project, an independent research project into the art and politics of Free Software. http://theoriebild.ung.at/view Long text: http://theoriebild.ung.at/view/Main/RevolutionsPerMinute (http://www.thenextlayer.org/ this is under construction, not ready yet) |
Keywords: | free and open source software funkfeuer freifunk graz |
Production date: | 2007-09-18 |
Entry date: | 2007-09-18 |
Last modification: | 2007-09-18 |
Data presented here was last updated at: 2010-04-24 06:45:52+02
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